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YA ALLAH Send down Rahmat (Mercy) upon our Master and Chief, Muhammad sallallahu alihi wa sallam , the Crowned One (with the kingdom of both worlds), and the One with Mi'raj (Ascension), and the Owner of Buraq (Mount of Light), and the Banner. (He is, by Allah's Permission) the Repeller of Calamities and Epidemics, and Famine, and Disease, and Agony. His Name is inscribed and made prominent and made Worthy of Intercession, and is engraved as such in the Loh and Qalam (Preserved Tablet and Pen). He is the Chief of Arabs and non-Arabs. His Body is All Holy, Perfumed, and Purified, Illuminated in the Sacred Houses, and Ka'aba. He is a Shining Sun (Duha, Rising Sun), and full Moon dispelling Darkness, a Refuge for all beings, and a Lamp (of Guidance) in the Darkness (of ignorance and paganism). He is the Best in Adab (Conduct), Intercessor of Ummahs (Communities), blessed with Eminence, Generosity. And Allah is his Protector, Jabrial (Gabriel) is his Attendant, the Buraq (Mount of Light) is his Mount, and Mi'raj (Ascension) is his Journey, and Sidratul Muntaha is his Station. He desires Kaaba Kaussain, and his desire is his Objective, and his Objective he has realized. He is Syed (Chief) of all the Messengers, and the Last One of the Nabees, intercessor of the Sinners, a Refuge of the Homeless, and he is a Mercy of all the Worlds. He is the Aspiration of the Aspirers. He is Shamish (Sun) of the Arifeen, and is the Light of Guidance for the Saliheen (people on the Path), and he is the Guide of those seeking Proximity with Allah (Annihilation unto Allah): Mukarabeen. A Lover of Fuqra, and poor and destitute, the Chief of Jinn and Mankind, the Nabi sallallahu alihi wa sallam of two Haramain, Imam of Two Qiblahs. He is our Refuge here and in the Hereafter, and His Station is Kaaba Kaussain, being the Beloved of the Rabb (Lord) of the Easts and Wests. He is the Grandfather sallallahu alihi wa sallam of Hassan and Hussain (radiallahu anhu), He is our Master sallallahu alihi wa sallam , and of all Jinn and Mankind, Abu L Qasim, Muhammad bin Abdullah sallallahu alihi wa sallam ! And Nur (Light) from the Nur (Light) of Allah! Ye Lovers of the Beauty of his Nur (Light)! Send Darood and Salaams (Peace) upon him, and his Descendants, and his Companions. Ameen
darood taj | durood taj | darood sharif | durood sharif | durood sharif in english | durood in english
darood taj | durood taj | darood sharif | durood sharif | durood sharif in english | durood in english